Please sign in with your OSIsoft SSO account
(note: this is different from your AVEVA account)
Sign in
What is your Single Sign-On (SSO) account?
An SSO account provides the login credentials you’ll need to engage with all digital communities, including:

  • Learning (for training)
  • PI Square (for peer and expert forums)
  • UserVoice (to provide feedback to our teams)
  • Customer Portal (to manage technical support cases, product downloads and your account; access controlled by your site admin)
  • Partner Portal (to manage directory listings, accreditations and your account; access controlled by your site admin)

First-time users should create a new SSO account to gain access to the communities above
Get an email with a temporary password to unlock your account
Change your name, email address, password or other information in your SSO account
Need Help?  Contact customer service. You will receive a response within one business day.